To blog or not to blog? That is the question. Whether 'tis blogglier in the blog to blog the blogs and bloggers of outrageous blogs, or to take blogs against a sea of blogs, and by blogging end them? To blog, to let my arm fall asleep as I fall awake; no more; and by a blog to say we blog.
Okay, obviously I decided to blog, but Shakespeare I ain't. I have felt an overwhelming urge to write. If you, dear reader, follow my blog; here is what to expect - everything from politics, to religion, to rants, to raves, to questions without answers, to answers without question, to unconscious ramblings of a conscious mind, to conscious ramblings of an unconscious mind, to humor, to sorrow, to plagiarism, to original ideas, to... two... too. You get the idea.
There are a lot of posters (old fashioned kind that get pinned to the wall of dorm rooms, not people who post their opinions), posters (people who post their opinions, not the old fashioned kind), E-mails and what-not about friends coming in and out of your life. I will not elaborate on them all except to say that God put people in our lives at certain times for certain reasons. Recently I was reunited and reacquainted with a person and people that had an influence in my teen-age years. This has sparked my desire to blog. I have always had a desire to write. In fact, I have never stopped writing. There are 5 1/4 floppies, 3.5 floppies, flash drives, and notebooks filled with my writings; however, I have never considered blogging as an outlet for my writing, until now.
So dear reader, if you grace this blog with your time, I will do my best to write something worth thinking about.
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